Ecological stability

美 [ˌiːkəˈlɑːdʒɪkl stəˈbɪləti]英 [ˌiːkəˈlɒdʒɪkl stəˈbɪləti]
  • 生态稳定性
Ecological stabilityEcological stability
  1. Having various landscape types and having stronger ecological stability .


  2. The Ecological Stability of some Models of Three-population Community


  3. Analysis of Ecological Stability of Four Kinds of Maize Hybrid


  4. This paper also introduced the research methods of field ecological stability and mathematical ecological stability .


  5. A Study on the Relation Between Tissue Structure and Ecological Stability in Seabuckthorn Leaf


  6. Land-utilization pattern directly impacts the ecological stability and social-economy development of oases .


  7. At the same time , the ecological stability of urban rivers is affecting the stability and equilibrium of the urban ecological system .


  8. In this scenario , the problem solver has to preserve the ecological stability of a fictitious African landscape .


  9. So the important principle for exploiting grasslands in Northern Xizang Plateau is to protect grasslands by maintaining ecological stability .


  10. Because pheromones are species specific , they become good material , which are used to study evolution of species , reproduction isolation and ecological stability .


  11. Dynamics and ecological stability of form . Stipa breviflora desert steppe morphological stability of globular crystal during semi-solid processing


  12. These characteristics of pattern change indicated that urbanization influence made the pattern of green space seriously fragmentized , ecological stability reduced and environmental quality depraved .


  13. Nowadays , the humanity began to have profound reflection of their own errors and they began to balance the importance of economic development and ecological stability .


  14. The simple horizontal distribution of farmland landscape in Haihe lowland plain is the reason that farmland landscape is losing its ecological stability .


  15. Any change in ecological stability of a forest ecosystem , evoked by increased atmospheric CO 2 concentration would lead to its structure fluctuation and functioning variation .


  16. Desert riparian forest is the pillar of the desert ecosystem , also is a main protection system for ecological stability and biodiversity of river in arid region .


  17. As progresses of the society , more and more people realize the importance and scholar into the restoration of the ecological stability . Then ecology scheduling must be implemented in order to achieve the sustainable use of water resources .


  18. Landscape fragmentation and marginal division near the city center appeared largest . It shows that the deepest these areas are interfered by urbanization , the most complex the land use patterns and the weakest the ecological stability will be .


  19. The artificial grassland degraded from " productivity stability " to " ecological stability " quickly during the 4 years since they were constructed . The degradation was correlated with invasion of poisonous forbs and deficiency of soil available nutrients .


  20. The area of soil erosion in western part of the headstream basin is relatively small , but it still poses a serious threat to the ecological stability of the basin , which is a fragile area and in which rehabilitation after major erosion is very difficult .


  21. By increasing the bivalves amount artificially with plant floating-bed , could strengthen the water ecological system stability and promote the substance recycling , finally purifying the water quality .


  22. In the overall ecological communities stability under the premise of unification , each district has unique aquatic plant community , rich species diversity , richness of as much as possible .


  23. Mathematical Analysis of Effect of Ecological Factors on Stability in Forest Ecosystem in Henan Province


  24. But in recent years , with nanotechnology industrialization and the emission of NPs into environment , ecological balance and stability have been broken , especially the water environment has been destroyed and polluted seriously .


  25. The analysis of the ecological restoration integrate with stability control for the rock slope


  26. Ecological pressures and political stability in modern society


  27. The establishment of three-species ratio-dependent ecological model and its stability


  28. The integrality of natural ecological system throughput and stability were assessed after irrigation works has been completed ;


  29. Cultivated land is the essence of land , a certain amount of cultivated land is the guarantee of food security , ecological security and social stability .


  30. In complex social system , development of science and technology , economic growth , ecological protection and social stability all contribute to the coordinated development of society and are the bases of harmonious society .
